Ep 109: The Sober Summit with Maggie Klassens

In the fall of 2018, I was cleaning my kitchen. On the table, my computer was open to a ‘summit’ about addiction. In case you don’t know, a summit is an online experience that brings together 20 or more experts on a particular topic. During the summit, you can listen to or watch the pre-recorded conversations about all kinds of topics. As I mentioned, this one was focused on addiction. As a wellness professional, I wanted to listen in to some experts on addiction and how it might relate to nutrition. As I was cleaning the house, I heard a woman talk about alcohol addiction. My ears perked up and I remember putting down the cleaning supplies and taking a seat at the table. I was fascinated! This woman was telling the truth about alcohol and sharing new ways to stop drinking and, more importantly, stop the desire to drink. I had no idea someone was talking about alcohol this way and offering such a unique solution. That woman was Annie Grace.

I didn’t stop drinking because of Annie Grace and her programs, because I didn’t know about her book or any of her offers. It was through this summit that I learned about AG and the Alcohol Experiment. And, I am so grateful I was listening that day because I then went on to follow Annie and her podcast and sign up to learn more about becoming a This Naked Mind Coach, and, as they say, the rest is history! 

This is why I am passionate about summits. Summits offer a unique opportunity to learn from many different experts all at once. Since that day in 2018, I have signed up and attended many summits; some about business, some about health and wellness and some just for fun! But, until this year, there hasn’t been one about becoming and living an alcohol-free life.

Meet Maggie Klassens, the founder and presenter of The Sober Summit. I am so excited that someone is offering a summit that brings together many of the amazing voices in the AF and sober community. The first Sober Summit was in April of this year (2023), and now Maggie is bringing us The Sober Summit: Holiday Edition. And, just in time to help all of us thrive through the holiday season!

I met Maggie in Portland, Maine in September and I knew I had to have her on the podcast to share this amazing resource. Listen in as Maggie shares some of the topics and the incredible speakers that are in the lineup. William Porter, Andy Ramage, Victoria English, Chris Marshall and more will share everything from pairing NA beverages with your holiday meals to looking for glimmers, to understanding boundaries and staying active during the holidays.

The best part is that the series is free. You can listen each day at no cost and there is even a bonus replay weekend to enjoy anything you might miss during the summit. The speakers have incredible resources they will be sharing with those who attend the summit and you can purchase the recordings for a low one-time cost if you choose.

The doors to the summit open today (link below) and I encourage each of you to take advantage of this resource and to support Maggie’s mission to further the conversation about living and thriving in the sober world!

I think you will be impressed by the lineup Maggie has in store for you and by Maggie herself, who decided to take her passion for living AF and share it with all of us! What will you do with your ‘sober edge’?

Grab Your Free Ticket to the Sober Summit HERE

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