Finding Your (Sober) Hive with Maggie Klaassens

As an alcohol freedom coach, I emphasize the importance of community as we go through this monumental change. Traveling together means we get support, understanding and a shared sense of camaraderie that doesn’t (always) happen in other places. 

In life, we also recognize the importance of community; who has joined the parent club at your child’s school, the leadership committee at your church or participated in book club? We value community in many areas of our lives.

As an entrepreneur and business owner in this alcohol-free space, I wanted a community that supported my unique business. While there are lots of business communities (hello, Linked In!), having a hub that is dedicated to business owners in this alcohol-free space feels different. First, this is a mission-driven business for most of us. It is also a place where passion projects abound. Having a podcast and coaching company has allowed me to connect with so many authors, product purveyors and coaches who are carrying the torch for alcohol-free living. Some of these individuals are making a big impact and some are just starting to explore how to bring their vision into the world. All of us deserve a supportive place to hang out!

I met Maggie Klaassens at a Sober In The City event in Portland, ME last September. As we got to know one another, we realized we both had a burning desire to create a community for entrepreneurs just like us. And so, The Sober Hive was born!

Now, if you are not an entrepreneur or business owner but are a sober curious or sober serious individual, don’t go anywhere. Part of our mission in The Sober Hive is to help individuals build their own passion project (ask your favorite AF leader how their business came to be!), and offer tips so each of us can learn more about how to support the sober and AF businesses that already exist.

The mission of The Sober Hive is aligned with these three principles:

  1. Community
  2. Connection
  3. Collaboration

The doors opened in early April, and we are learning and growing together. Each month we offer connection calls, brainstorming sessions, co-working opportunities and live guest workshops. If you are an entrepreneur or business owner, author or experience-leader with an AF business or product, we would love to support you.

Let’s come together to grow this AF movement!

You can find out more information at The Sober Hive, or contact or

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