Wild & Free with Racquel Reid


Life’s adventures come in many forms. My recent conversation with friend and colleague Racquel Reid brought this home.

We have the adventures we choose, the adventures thrust upon us and the adventures we let go. I reached out to Racquel to follow up on our original conversation when she was set to leave Canada and travel around the world. Her original intention was to travel around Central and South America for 2–3 years. She did enjoy a one-year adventure in Costa Rica, Columbia and Ecuador before returning home. Her return to Canada started a new adventure; caregiving for her aging mother and supporting her father.

When Racquel left on her travel adventure, she never imagined that she would end up in her current situation. Yet, somehow, Racquel has found a place of adventure and freedom even in the midst of hardship and struggles. Her journey of finding her ‘wild and free’ is inspiring and heartwarming.

In our conversation we touch on:

  • How travel breeds self-trust, flexibility and leaning into new experiences
  • Wherever you go, there you are!
  • Finding her feet
  • Choosing your mindset regardless of circumstances
  • The gifts of care-taking
  • Not giving up when the speed bumps appear

Racquel also shares some of her biggest takeaways from this new place where she finds herself (in her own words):

  • I had been living a life designed by me but not FOR me.
  • Some people were threatened by my travel adventure, but some were inspired
  • In order to bloom where you’re planted, you first have to be rooted
  • I can be wild and free wherever I am. This is a place I have cultivated and nurtured and now, this woman is always here.

I loved this conversation so much; it takes incredible courage to turn your life upside down; it also takes incredible courage to set your new life aside and recognize the beauty in all of it.

You can find our first conversation, prior to Racquel’s travel adventures, HERE

Racquel is a professional sobriety coach helping midlife mavericks who’ve battled alcohol but still wrestle with fear and self-doubt.  She guides women through rebuilding their self-confidence to go from hiding to thriving. Find out more HERE

Check out her free program, R.I.S.E., a combination of science, proven strategies, compassionate guidance, and a sprinkle of rebel magic, to help you gain the tools and mindset to create a life that reflects your true self!

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Midlife is the perfect time to take a break from alcohol. “Stop Drinking in Your 50’s and Beyond” is created exclusively for midlife women. Get the tactical support and the key foundation in only 6 weeks. Simple, affordable, effective. Learn More

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