Episode 43: Catching Your Breath with cancer survivor Victoria English Martin

Victoria is a This Naked Mind Senior Coach and a personal friend. She is also a breast cancer survivor. This episode is about her journey through cancer and the strength and beauty that she found on the other side. Her story is emotional, painful and so inspirational. From her early days of drinking to quell panic attacks, to finding herself drinking again after a brutal battle with cancer, Victoria opens up her heart to show what is possible when we give up our armor and allow our hearts to break wide open.

Victoria English Matin is a mother of four, integrative nutritionist, alcohol coach, best-selling author, podcast host and breast cancer survivor. She began misusing alcohol in her 30’s. Today, Victoria strives to help people reframe their relationship with drinking while finding empowerment in all areas of life.


  • Panic Attacks
  • The Moment the World Turned
  • A bald lady walks into a bar
  • Giving Up Your Armor
  • The Familiar Hell
  • The Trust Fall
  • Breaking Open

Links/Resources Mentioned:

  • After The Crisis Coaching with Victoria English Martin
  • After The Crisis Podcast
  • 5 Healthy Reasons to Take A Break Teri’s guide to understanding the impact of alcohol

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