My guest today is fellow coach Jeanine Grayson. Jeanine specializes in helping women overcome limiting beliefs and unlock their full potential.
Jeanine shares her own journey from a toxic relationship and cancer diagnosis to a woman who now lives an empowered life. We discuss the impact of perfectionism, the importance of clarity and how we can use boundaries as a way to advocate for ourselves.
This is an important conversation that can help us let go of guilt, stop giving away our power, and create new beliefs.
A former perfectionist who struggled with setting boundaries, Jeanine spent years of her life in a toxic relationship feeling unhappy, unfulfilled and undervalued.
Amidst a battle with cancer, Jeanine experienced a transformational mindset shift that unlocked her untapped potential. This shift unleashed the start of new thoughts and beliefs that grew into courage and confidence to take massive action and rebuild a new life.
As a Certified Life Coach and NASM Behavior Change Specialist, Jeanine helps individuals shed their self-doubt, identify limiting beliefs, reframe new thoughts and take empowered action in their lives.
You can connect with Jeanine at and on Instagram at jeaninegraysoncoaching