Ep 106: From Gray Area Drinking to Gray Haired Living

Have you ever thought you were too old to change? That old saying, “you can’t teach an old dog a new trick” can have us doubting our ability to embrace this alcohol-free life.

Today, I want to introduce you to 3 ladies who have not only ditched booze but who have learned that the best years are our ‘golden years’. And, living alcohol-free means true freedom; to embrace new beginnings, to explore deeper and more meaningful relationships and to challenge ourselves to live life to the fullest!

Here’s one thing I learned recently; the reasons we drink in our 50’s and 60’s are often interwined with the reasons we drank in our 30’s and 40’s. Life doesn’t stop and wait for us to catch up, it keeps delivering the good, the bad, and, sometimes, the ugly moments. If alcohol has been a part of your life for many years, it can feel daunting to imagine living without our go-to, our crutch, or even our best friend.

So, how do we face our biggest fears around NOT drinking and take those first steps forward? My guests today will share their own path to self-discovery and to changing their relationship with alcohol.
Michelle, Maryann and Angela get real about motherhood, caregiving, marital intimacy (yes, sober sex!), and discovering the beauty of an alcohol-free life!

Michelle Rene’ Cunniff is a This Naked Mind Certified Coach and empowers women to drink less and live more.  A former grey area drinker herself, Michelle’s life was full of family, friends, a corporate career and at the end of the day, her deserving glass(s) of wine. In 2020 she discovered This Naked Mind book, a science-based methodology that inevitably led to Michelle being curious about her beliefs, especially about alcohol. This transformation has been so remarkable that Michelle is committed to helping other successful/driven/grey area-drinking women find their freedom. You can connect with Michelle at Michelle Rene Coaching

Angela Sheridan is a certified alcohol freedom and life coach passionate about helping others achieve greater peace and joy in their lives. Angela’s own personal journey of growth and transformation has taught her the importance of radical self-care and the incredible impact it can have on our well-being. Angela’s approach is grounded in authenticity and inspiration, as she draws from her own experiences to offer practical guidance and support to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. You can connect with Angela at Mind Shift Coaching

Maryanne Petkac is a This Naked Mind Certified Coach and Registered Yoga Teacher. The path to become a TNM coach was a journey full of self-reflection and discovery; difficult at times, but necessary to uncover her truths. It wasn’t until she removed the security of the facade she had built up around her that Maryanne was able to be her authentic self and live fearlessly and unapologetically. No longer needing alcohol to get through life’s circumstances, Maryanne is now able to face any issues with her newly-discovered inner strength, confidence, and shining exuberance. You can find more about Maryanne at Creekside Coaching


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