Ep 120: Lessons and Celebrations from 2023

Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

As we turn the page to the New Year, I find it valuable to spend some time reflecting. I like to consider the good, the bad, the fun times and the challenges that each year brings.

2023 was an amazing year! My word for 2023 was ‘delight’ and I definitely felt the power of this intention throughout the year. Yet, there were still challenges and lessons that I needed to learn, some of them the hard way.

In the podcast this week, I share some of these reflections and I hope you will be inspired to take your own look back.

Here are some of the (delightful) highlights:

  • I took 7 vacations, some work and pleasure, some pleasure only.
  • My community grew by 700%. That means I get to help more people on their AF journey
  • I had fun in my business, collaborating with 2 new partners, Sarah with The Sober Edge Book Club and Karolina with the Alcohol-Free Coaches Retreat.
  • We got a puppy!
  • I recorded 51 new podcast episodes and met many fascinating new guests.
  • I created new programs for women 50 and beyond

Some challenges:

  • My grandson was in the hospital multiple times in 2023.
  • I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition this summer.
  • A close family member continues to struggle with AUD.

Some lessons I learned:

  • I have new compassion and empathy for those of you with food restrictions (I miss eggs and cheese!)
  • While addressing one health challenge, I have the opportunity to discover new ways to support my overall health.
  • I love having an alternative doctor on my medical team – my naturopath is amazing and someone I would not have sought out without my diagnosis.
  • On the advice of my naturopath, I joined a gym. The senior class I attend has been one of the highlights of my year. They are warm and inviting, hilarious and inspiring! What was I waiting for?
  • It’s more important to bring the right energy to my business than it is to bring more tools.
  • Connection continues to be the number one thing my audience and community are seeking.
  • It’s never too late to make new friends

I hope this recap inspires you to reflect on the highs and lows of 2023.

It’s not too late to join together for ’24 for 24′ and spend some dedicated time setting yourself up for an incredible 2024. This is a FREE event and my thank you to each of you. You can register HERE.

To hear more inspirational stories like these, hit subscribe so you never miss out!

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