Ep 140 A Groovy, Juicy Life with Constance Todd Smith


A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a new friend. Constance Todd Smith is an alignment coach (I love this!) who has been on her own journey of exploration, that started with sobriety, for 38 years.

As we began to chat, I realized that part of the charisma of Constance is that she is a renaissance gal. What I mean is, she is someone who has reinvented herself many times, lived in many places and thrives on self-discovery. My kind of friend! She also once lived in my corner of the world, which means her ‘hippie’ vibe comes naturally.

In addition to being an alignment coach, Constance is also a Yoga teacher, an Ecstatic Dance instructor, the founder of a Facebook group devoted to the teachings of Abraham Hicks and a sailor! She credits her break-up with alcohol as the start of her adventurous life.

She describes herself as a  Hybrid of sorts – a rockin’ combination of a successful businesswoman and a spiritual/esoteric junkie. Her gifts, which she readily shares with her clients, include writing, meditation and manifesting.

Constance shares her latest project, a book titled A Sober Companion. While living alcohol-free for the past three decades, Constance discovered many tools and shortcuts. She is currently writing a sober guide for those who can benefit from having a helping hand along the way. This book of ‘sober life skills’ will be available soon.

I am excited for you to be entertained and inspired by what Constance calls ‘living on the bright’!

Be sure to listen to the full episode and then leave a rating and review. This helps more people find The Sober Edge Podcast; thank you!!

You can find out more about Constance and her work HERE

You can find her Facebook group, dedicated to the teachings of Abraham Hicks HERE

Tired of breaking up with alcohol over and over again? Then let’s try something different – together. Small group and daily-ish support designed to create a new sense of freedom from alcohol – that’s REFRESH. If this sounds appealing to you, learn  more and apply HERE. 

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