I am so excited to have Dr. Brooke Scheller on the podcast – we ‘geek out’ on nutrition, gut health, brain health and the impacts of alcohol.
I ask Dr. Brooke the exact questions you would: what about supplements; how do I support my body after alcohol, and more!
Dr. Brooke Scheller is a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, Certified Nutrition Specialist and an expert in nutrition and the effects of alcohol use on gut and brain health. She combines her clinical background with a passion for health-tech and innovation in the food, supplement and personalized wellness industry. Dr. Brooke offers online courses and individual programs that use cutting-edge nutritional practices to change your relationship with alcohol and repair the body from long-term alcohol use.
Dr. Brooke is also the founder of Condition Nutrition, LLC, a nutritional consultancy that works with startup organizations and has worked with both individuals and organizations to build nutrition protocols that have helped millions of individuals eat better and integrate better nutrition into their lifestyles.
- Brooke shares her personal story
- Beyond a hangover – what physical symptoms tell us
- 3 key areas to focus on first
- Why we have sugar cravings
- Nutrient deficiencies and the brain
Links/Resources Mentioned
- www.brookescheller.com
- 7-Day Alcohol & Gut Reset Program: programs.brookescheller.com
- Teri’s 5 Healthy Reasons to Take A Break HERE