Episode 79 Healing From Within with Amy Stein

What happens when the doctors can’t help? My guest, Amy Stein spent countless hours and thousands of dollars searching for answers to her mysterious illnesses.  Doctors treated her symptoms but she continued to get sicker. Finally, when one doctor told her the answer was chemotherapy (just kill off your immune system and start over), Amy knew she needed a different path. Out of desperation came the healing Amy was searching for; she fired all her doctors and began using the ancient wisdom of plant medicine, food and somatic therapy. Amy now uses her knowledge and training to help others on an alternative healing journey including addressing trauma through breath work, plant medicine and energy healing.

On today’s podcast we talk about:

  • The last straw
  • Feeling safe in your body (what does that mean?)
  • The importance of going slow to speed up
  • Not all somatic therapies are the same
  • How modern day medicine is catching up to the ancient healing wisdom from 5000 years ago
  • We all have the ability to heal
  • Amy’s 5 tips for Whole Body Healing

Amy’s mission is to educate and empower those who are struggling with their health on how to live in harmony with their bodies and environments in a natural way. Inspired by her own struggles with multiple autoimmune diseases and trauma, Amy has learned to work with Mother Nature’s intelligence rather than against it.She believes that when we are open to hearing the body’s messages for connection with the mind, body and spirit we can begin to heal. Reminding ourselves that we get to choose what is best for us, Amy understands that each person is unique in their needs and healing. Her approach uses the “power of the plants”, energy medicine techniques and breath work to assist in reconnecting you back to your body.

Grab Amy’s Ebook Here and learn how to heal naturally

You can connect with Amy on her website at Mind, Body, Spirit, Breath

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