How to Have a Successful Dry January: The Results without Restriction Podcast


I received an email last week from a friend and fellow health coach, Laurie Mallon. Laurie has a podcast – Results without Restriction-and she wanted to know if I would come on the podcast and talk about Dry January.

Heck yeah! The episode was great and the information timely, so I asked Laurie if she would share the audio version and I could also publish the episode on my podcast. She graciously agreed; this is that podcast.

 Laurie asked some great questions. Here are a few highlights:

  • Start with an intention. Rather than a black and white goal, where success ONLY = not drinking, set your site a bit differently.
  • The importance of community. We talk about the pitfalls of doing Dry January “in secret”.
  • Embrace the ritual – you can keep your evening ritual of fixing a cocktail – just change what’s in your glass.
  • How to ease into February and not lose momentum from Dry January

I am grateful to Laurie for sharing our conversation; I hope this helps anyone who is participating in Dry January, or thinking about participating!

It’s not too late to join my favorite Dry January group: The Live Alcohol Experiment is open until January 1st. JOIN HERE


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