No Alcohol Needed! Hoplark CEO Betsy Frost

I recently sat down with Betsy Frost, the CEO of Hoplark Brands to talk about drinking less, the NA industry, and why she believes hops are ‘magic’.

Hoplark Brands begin in 2018 when founder Dean Eberhardt gave up drinking alcohol while participating in a Whole 30 challenge. He didn’t miss beer, but he did miss the flavor and complexity of hops. He began experimenting with tea and hops and natural flavors. Six years later, Hoplark Brands continues to evolve.

Hoplark brings us the ‘Yes And…’ which is to say it brings the flavor and the complexity of hops to tea, sparkling water and 0.0 beverages. A range of products that have zero sugar, zero alcohol and zero calories!

Betsy shares that hops are a magical ingredient that has basically been ‘held hostage’ by the beer makers for hundreds of years. And, Hoplark is taking back hops and bringing the brewing aspect without the fermentation or malt into a new variety of beverages to delight the palate.

Frost describes the brewers at Hoplark as a ‘bunch of passionate ‘hopheads’ who want to ‘free hops from beer’. But, the company philosophy goes beyond hops. Betsy shares in this episode of The Sober Edge Podcast that Hoplark Brands delivers a new way of thinking about alcohol-free beverages – beyond personal choice but offering new and inclusive options. She sees this class of beverages as less ‘anti-alcohol’ and more ‘pro-options’.

Tune in to hear more of our conversation, including:

  • How Hoplark leaves out the fermentation to create a 0.0 option
  • Her personal philosophy of ‘yes and’…
  • Why big beer companies getting into the NA game is a good thing
  • Her take on ‘hard’ options such as spiked Topo Chico and Jack and Coke
  • Her work as a mentor to other female entrepreneurs
  • Why women, no matter their role or position, often feel like an ‘only’

Betsy is true to her belief in the power of ‘yes’ and has offered a generous discount to try all the Hoplark products with a special 35% off coupon! Use the discount code SOBEREDGE to try this very special brand!

Hoplark Brands

If you are ready to start your own version of ‘Yes, And…’ let’s chat. You can book a time to chat and get guidance on your next step HERE.

I’d love to help you say YES to YOU!

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