Running Toward Recovery with Amber Graziano

When we stop drinking, many of us experience discomfort trying to figure out where we fit in this boozy culture. We might struggle with social situations or feel like the ‘odd man out’ in our old friends’ group. Today, I want to introduce you to a woman who decided to channel that discomfort into action. 

When Amber Graziano stopped drinking she didn’t know anyone who didn’t drink. But, she did know she liked to run and that other runners might be non-drinkers, or other non-drinkers might want to try running. So she decided to start a sober running group. On the podcast, Amber shares that the first 5 people who joined her Facebook group included her mom and best friend but gradually, through word of mouth, the group began to grow and today there are over 2000 members. And, some of these 2000 members are not runners! This is my favorite part because I love the inclusivity of the Recovery Road Runners group – you can join even if you don’t run (that would be me!). A powerful part of our after-alcohol journey is channeling our energy into new areas that help us grow – physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. Amber believes that running and the Recovery Road Runners group helps with all of that, while also offering a recovery community. 

Amber shares the gifts she has found by running in recovery, including: more confidence, letting go of excuses, and the mantra “one mile at a time”.

In addition to an in-person running group, a Facebook community, RRR also offers a non-profit foundation, coaching and retreats. 

Amber Graziano is the Founder and Head Coach of Recovery Road Runners Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to health and recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. A second-grade teacher, a mama to two boys and a former collegiate athlete, Amber is an RRCA certified run coach, yoga instructor and recovery coach. Using the tools she’s gained through decades of sports training and years in the classroom, Amber has developed teaching and training modules for people seeking recovery and healthier living.

You can connect with Amber and the other Road Runners HERE

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