Getting a ‘fresh start’ or ‘a new lease on life’ might seem the perfect way to begin your alcohol-free journey.
But, what if we have some time away from alcohol, and then we go back to drinking, first just the occasional glass of wine, or beer on a hot summer’s day. Gradually, (or maybe rapidly), we find ourselves drinking again every day. Now it’s time to start again.
In this episode of The Sober Edge, I introduce you to a concept that sounds just slightly different from starting over but, in practice, is actually very different. Starting from where you are allows one to take the learning, the practice and wisdom that comes from taking a break from drinking and use it to create a vastly different experience. One that just might lead to permanent change.
Listen in to discover:
- The power of counting days
- What happens to our brains when we stay stuck in the cycle of stopping and starting?
- Why is it so difficult to get past Day 3?
The hidden beauty of this journey to freedom from alcohol is wrapped up in the lessons we learn from the path we take. Here’s to making the path easier by shifting our minds.