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How to Add 7.5 Years to Your Life
Would you like to add 7 + years to your life expectancy? Sure, drinking less, or not at all, will improve your chances, but this is something different. Research tells us that you can increase your life expectancy by the way you talk about aging. Yep, you heard that...

The Novelty of being Sober
I was listening to an interview with Laura McKowen, and she mentioned that early in her sobriety journey a woman told her "I have a happy little life". Laura recounts that she was furious - she didn't want to settle for a happy little life. In the book, Build the...

Time for New Tools!
I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition over the summer. With that diagnosis came a lot of new treatments, new 'tools' to help me manage my condition. I also worked with a clinical nutritionist who specializes in skin conditions, was referred to a dermatologist...

What A New Puppy Can Teach Us About Living Alcohol-Free
Stay present (puppies only live in the moment with no recollection of the ‘accident’ they had only moments before). Bringing up the past or worrying about the future is futile. Know your pack - our new puppy wants to know where we are at all times. She came from a...

Busy, Overwhelmed, and Bored
It’s Holiday Season. It can be ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ or it can be stressful, disappointing and overwhelming. For most of us, it’s likely something in between. I have been doing some reading and reflecting about these three related topics : Busy,...

How to Boss Your Brain Around (and why you should!)
What does it take to become alcohol-free and to stay alcohol-free? We have to explore our thoughts around alcohol. And, we have to learn to talk back to our brain! One of the most profound things I have learned is how ‘not to’ believe everything I think. For many of...

5 Simple Steps to Boost Your Immune System
As a Functional Nutritionist I help people make healthy changes to their diet, discover the foods that fuel their unique body and boost their immune system. Never has it been more important than right now to focus on how we can maintain, support and increase our...
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