Ep 133: You Are Not Stuck with Becky Vollmer

Ep 133: You Are Not Stuck with Becky Vollmer

Have you ever felt ‘stuck’? Chances are, the answer is yes. We can feel stuck in circumstances, situations that feel beyond our control. We can feel stuck when we are trying to manage other peoples feelings or reactions. Let’s face it, feeling stuck...
Ep 132: Exploring Online Rehab with Robin McIntosh

Ep 132: Exploring Online Rehab with Robin McIntosh

If you have ever considered rehab to help change your relationship with alcohol – there is good news. With these changing times and the possibility of telehealth and online therapy, there are more options than ever. Most of us are familiar with the traditional...
Ep 131: Frame Your Change with Kim Ades

Ep 131: Frame Your Change with Kim Ades

  “The way you think will have a profound impact on everything you see, hear, smell, taste, touch. Everything is filtered through your thoughts and your beliefs.”. Kim Ades If this sounds familiar, it’s because I talk a lot about thoughts and...
Ep: 130 Unleashing Your Vitality with Aundrea Sides

Ep: 130 Unleashing Your Vitality with Aundrea Sides

One of the many gifts of becoming alcohol-free is the ability to explore our inner world. In the podcast episode I share with Aundrea Sides, we dive into the extraordinary and psychic realm of possibility. This is an episode I want to invite you to listen to closely....
Ep 129: Be the Leader of Your AF Life with Toni Will

Ep 129: Be the Leader of Your AF Life with Toni Will

  A few years ago, I was interviewed by Scott Pinyard on This Naked Mind podcast, and he asked me “who would play you in a movie about your life?”. This was an unexpected question, so I answered on the spot “Reese Witherspoon”. It was a...